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About the Site

WordPlay is a collaboration of three individuals who at one time or other have supported ourselves primarily through our careful and loving use of words. It was built here because Jackie no longer needed this website for her business but didn’t want to let go of the domain. Various conversations with Sigil Society and Razorqueen led to the development of WordPlay.

We love words. We love exploring them, using them well, learning new ones, watching the shifts in usage, and of course, griping about some aspect of their use or misuse. While we appreciate the necessity of learning and using the rules of grammar suited to one’s purpose, we aren’t strict prescriptivists.

For those of you who are here hoping for some clarity on a point of grammar, word usage, etc., we may be able to help you out, within the confines of current American English. But we’re mostly here to have fun with words and about words. Screenshot from the movie "The Princess Bride". Inigo Montoya is speaking to Vizzini: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

If the site had a patron saint, it would be the swashbuckling Inigo Montoya, as portrayed by Mandy Patinkin in the classic movie The Princess Bride. It’s inconceivable that in the years since the movie came out, more people are regularly misusing words <thinking of you, literally>, but here we are.

Deep thanks to Peter Saint-Andre for his invaluable help wrangling this site’s theme. In addition, he’s been a longtime friend of two of us and has improved both our vocabularies and our thinking.